Tuesday 4 April 2017

Engineering Economics question bank

This post covers the unit wise question bank with answer for the subject engineering economics.

MG6863 Engineering Economics

Unit 1  Introduction to Economics


1.  Define Engineering economics.

         Engineering economics may be defined as a set of principles, concepts, techniques and methods by which alternatives within a project can be compared and evaluated for the best monetary return.

2.   What is meant by the law of supply and law of demand?

               Law of supply states that the quantities that will be sold at a certain price. This is also states that the higher the price, the higher the quantity supplied.

              Law of demand states that if all other factors remain  equal, the higher the price of goo, the less people will demand the good. This means the higher the price the lower the quantity demanded.

3.What are the procedures used for engineering economics?

(i)    Problem recognition, formulation and evaluation
(ii)   Development of the feasible alternatives
(iii)  Development of the cash flows for each alternative
(iv)  Selection of a criteria
(v)  Analysis and comparison of the alternatives
(vi)  Selection of the preferred alternative
(vii) Performance monitoring  and post evaluation results

4.   Write short notes on scope of engineering economics.

(i)  It provide basis for resource allocation problem.
(ii) It helps to understand the market conditions, general economic environment in which the firm is working.
(iii) It provides a number of tools and techniques to solve engineering problems related to product mix, output level, pricing the product, investment, quantum of advertisement etc.
(iv) To improve the productivity, reducing human efforts, controlling and reducing cost.

5.Differentiate engineering efficiency and economic efficiency.

            Engineering efficiency is measured by the relationship between the physical quantities of input. It occurs when all inputs are deployed in a way that generates the most output for the least overall cost in resources.

Engineering efficiency = output/Cost of all inputs

          Economic efficiency is measured by the relationship between  the values of the output and the values of the input. It helps to examine profitability for an investment better then engineering economics.

 Economic efficiency = Values of output/ Cost of all inputs

6.What are the principles or concepts of engineering economics?

(i)   Develop the alternatives
(ii)   Focus on the differences
(iii)  Use a consistent view point
(iv)   Use a common unit of measure
(v)    Consider all relevant criteria
(vi)    Make uncertainty explicit
(vii)   Revisit your decisions

7.  What are the elements of cost?
(i)  Materials
(a)  Direct materials cost (b) Indirect materials cost
(ii)  Labour cost
(b)   Direct labour cost (b) Indirect labour cost
(iii)  Expenses
(a)   Direct expenses (b) Indirect expenses

8.  What is marginal cost and marginal revenue?

  The amount at any given volume of output by which aggregate costs are changed, if the volume of output is increased or  decreased by one unit. The revenue that can be obtained from selling one more unit of product is called marginal revenue.

9. What is meant by sunk cost and opportunity cost?

          A cost which has incurred or sunk in the past and is not relevant to the particular decision making is sunk cost or sunk loss. It may be variable or fixed or both.

  Opportunity cost is defined as the potential benefit that is given up as you seek alternative course of action.

10.  Define break even analysis.

It is concerned with finding the point at which revenues and 

costs agree exactly. 

It can be carried out algebraically or graphically.

It implies that the total revenue equals the total cost at some 

point in the operations.

11.Define P/V ratio.

It gives the relationship of contribution to sales. 

It is also called contribution sales ratio.

P/V ratio = Contribution/Sales

P/V ratio= (Fixed cost + profit)/Sales

P/V ratio = (Sales-Variable cost)/Sales

12. What are the procedures used for the selection of materials?

(i)    Translation
(ii)    Screening
(iii)   Ranking
(iv)    Selection

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