Saturday, 2 January 2016

ME2027 Process planning and cost estimation questions bank

University question of unit wise 2 marks and 16 marks questions were repeatedly asking by the Anna University, Chennai for the subject process planning and cost estimation. This is one of the elective subjects for the students of Mechanical engineering studying VII semester. Take for your reference and get more marks in university examinations.

Anna University, Chennai

Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME2027    Process Planning and Cost Estimation

Question Bank


 The syllabus of the Unit I is given below.

Method study-Definition-Objectives-Motion economy-Principles-Tools and techniques-Applications-Work measurements-Purpose-Procedure, tools and techniques-Standard time-Ergonomics-Principles and applications

PART-A (2 Marks)

1. What do you meant by work study and mention it’s any two applications.

2. What is process chart and list out various symbols used in process chart?

3. What is meant by SIMO charts?

4. What are called therblings?

5. What is meant by travel chart?

6. Define work measurement and list out its various techniques.

7. Explain any two hand process chart.

8. Define performance rating.

9. Where string diagram is used?

10. What do you mean by standard time and how to calculate the standard time?

11. What do you meant by ergonomics?

12. State some application of ergonomics.

PART B (16 Marks)

1. Define the terms following (i) Work study (ii) Method study (iii) Work measurement. Also explain about how to use work study for mass production in manufacturing industries. (16)
2. Explain in detail about the various symbols used for process chart with suitable example. (16)

3. (i) Define work measurement and state its objectives. (4)
    (ii) Explain briefly about the various techniques of work measurement. (12)

4.  Write short notes on the following.
    (i) Flow process chart               (4)
    (ii) Outline process chart          (4)
    (iii) Two handed process chart (4)
    (iv) Multiple activity charts     (4)

5. Differentiate the following.
    (i) Flow process and flow diagram         (6)
    (ii) Travel chart and string diagram        (6)
    (iii) Cyclograph and Chronocyclograph (4)

6. Explain in detail about therblings. (16)

7. What do you meant by ergonomics and describes the main objectives of the study of ergonomics. (16)

Click: ME 2027 PPCE Annaa UNiversity Previous Question Papers      


The syllabus of Unit II Process planning is given below.

Definition-Objective-Scope-Approaches to process planning-Process planning activities-Finished part requirements-operating sequences-machine selection-materials selection parameters-set of documents of process planning-Developing manufacturing logic and knowledge-Production time calculation-Selection of cost optimal processes.

PART A (2 Marks)

1. What do you meant by process planning?
2. What are the factors affecting the process planning?
3. State main approaches to process planning.
4. What are the objectives of process planning?
5. Define manual process planning.
6. List out the four requirements for process planning.
7. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of manual process planning.
8. What is meant by CAPP and mention any two advantages.
9. What is decision table and state its benefits.
10. What are the tools required for documentation knowledge?
11.  What is flow chart and write its advantages.
12. How will you calculate the production time?
13. What are the parameters used for material selection in process planning?
PART B (16 Marks)

1. Explain in detail about the process planning activities.
2. What is process planning? State the information required for process planning and factors that influence of it.
3. Explain the technological framework of process with suitable block diagram.
4. Briefly explain about manual approach process planning. Also mention its advantages and disadvantages.
5. Write in detail about the approaches commonly used in CAPP system with its advantages and disadvantages.
6. Differentiate the following.
    (i) Variant CAPP and generative CAPP systems.
    (ii) Flow charts and Decision tables.
7. Write short notes on tools for developing manufacturing logic and knowledge.

Click : ME2027 PPCE Previous Years Anna University Questions Nov/Dec 2014

Here Unit 3 and Unit 4 Important Part A and Part B questions repeatedly asked by the Anna University, Chennai of the subject ME2027 Process planning and cost estimation which is one of the easiest elective papers for VII semester of mechanical engineering.

ME2027- Process Planning and Cost Estimation

Unit III       Introduction to cost estimation

Part-A (2 Marks)

1. What is cost estimation and give its objectives.
 2. State any four importance of cost estimation.
3. What do you meant by design and overhead cost?
4. State any two importance of cost accounting.
5. Define inspection and labor cost.
6. Define costing and what are the methods of costing?
7.  What are the functions of cost estimation?
8. What do you meant by drafting cost?
9. What are the types of estimation?
10. What do you meant by realistic estimation?

Part-B (16 Marks)

1.  (i) What is the purpose of costing? (8)
     (ii) Explain various methods of costing. (8)
2.   Define costing. Why costing is essential to industrial control? (16)
3.  What is cost estimating? State the objectives and its functions in detail. (16)

4. Explain the types of cost estimate. List out various methods and sources of data required by the cost   estimator. (16)
5. Explain in detail about realistic estimate with its importance in production. (16)
 6. What is cost accounting and why costing is more essential to industrial control?    (16)
7. Explain in detail about the procedure followed for estimating the cost of an industrial product. (16)

Unit IV       Cost estimation
Part-A (2 Marks)

1. What are the elements of cost?
2. What is meant by direct material and give its types.
3. State some examples for direct material.
4. Differentiate direct and indirect material.
5. Who are called direct labor and give two examples.
6. What are factory and administrative expenses?
7. What is meant by prime cost and total cost?
8. List out the various components of cost.
9. What are distribution expenses?
10. What is meant by factory on cost and ladder of cost?

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. Explain about various elements of cost with examples. (16)
2. With a block diagram explain various components of cost. (16)
3. Discuss about the factors to be considered for calculating the time required for a particular job. (16)
4. Briefly explain about selling and distribution expenses. (16)
5. Write short notes on the following.
(i) Setup time                 (4)
 (ii) Handling time         (4)
(iii) Tear town time       (4)
 (iv) Machining time     (4)
6. Define the term overhead expenses and list any four items of overhead expenses in a factory in detail. (16)

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