Saturday 5 December 2015

How to get more marks in exams

This article will help you to write an exam and how to prepare for the exams. If you follow the mentioned things you should succeed in your examinations.

Following things should be in mind while studying

1.    Don’t be disappointed about your previous results.

2.     Don’t mind anything while studying; it will lead to waste of your time.

3.    Don’t stay awake for a long time, the night before the exam. Because sleep is very important it makes you fresh and gives energy.

4.    Don’t waste of your time on computers, mobile phones or anything else that would waste of your precious time.

5.    Don’t study in continues manner. Take 15 minutes break for each phase, Each phase should not exceed 45 minutes in, If you study 45 minutes take 15 minutes break.

6.    Don’t see the page of the problematic papers; it will lead to forget at exams, so take rough note and try to solve the exercise problems after seen the model questions.

7.    Don’t see the diagram, if diagram is given in answers of the particular questions, you should draw that diagrams 2 or 3 times then only it would be in minded always.

8.    Don’t study if you feel as lazy or sleepy.

9.    Don’t read the answers of the questions from top to bottom of 7-8 pages. Make notes while studying and underline the keywords or important points by highlighter this will helps to revise in quicker.

10. Don’t study without understanding about the particular topics or contents. If you can’t understand take one more book for your reference.

 Following things should be in mind while writing exams
1.    You should not eat any heavy meal before going to an exam, take limited food. This is because digestion of food requires energy, when you eat food before the time of exam blood supply and oxygen flow increases in stomach area. So the blood supply to the brain will decrease. This is the reason you feel lay or sleepy and it leads to decrease your IQ or brain power for 2 or 3 hours after eating food.

2.If you are not optimistic and energetic,you will not do your best in exams.

3.You should wear watch and make time schedule how long it will take to complete each questions and try to complete the exam before 15 minutes for revision.

4.Attempt all the questions but which are easy first and then the ones that are hard for you.The keywords should be underlined or highlighted with the color pen.

5.Make good presentation by good handwriting and Don't overwrite.

6.Don't write any irrelevant information.If you can't to write anything on the exam paper you must write something about related contents that of the asking questions in neat manner with bullets or numbering this will attracts the examiner.

7.If you are going to write problematic paper you should remember the formulas of the subject and make rough note at last page of your answersheet before to write the exam this will gives confidence to succeed in exam and highlight the answer.

8.Try to fill all the pages, big questions should not exceed 7 pages.  Write big questions of  5-7  pages is enough and that includes important points, sentences,diagrams.

9.Concentrate only on exams don't see others or anything till completion of your exam.

10.Take 5 minutes gap between each big questions if you feel pain of your hand.

============ALL THE BEST==============

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