Wednesday 2 December 2015

ME2037/ME6012 Maintenance Engineering 2 marks with aswers PDF

ME2037/ME6012 Maintenance Engineering Unit wise 2 marks with answers is given in this post.This is one of the elective papers for whom are studying IV year VII semester in the department of Mechanical and Production Engineering


Basic Principles of maintenance planning – Objectives and principles of planned maintenance activity – Importance and benefits of sound Maintenance systems – Reliability and machine availability – MTBF, MTTR and MWT – Factors of availability –
Maintenance organization – Maintenance economics.

Unit 1 -PART A (2 Marks)
1. Define maintenance? 
Maintenance is the routine and recurring process of keeping a particular machine or asset in its normal operating conditions So that it can deliver the expected performance or service without any loss or damage.

2.Define reliability and State the types of reliability.
 Reliability is defined as the probability that a component /system, when operating under given condition, will perform its intended functions adequately for a specified period of time. It refers to the like hood that equipment will not fail during its operation.
Types of reliabilty:
(i) Inherent Reliability: It is associated with the quality of the material and design of machine parts. 
(ii) Achievable Reliability: It depends upon other factors such as maintenance and operation of the equipment.

3.Define maintainability? 
Maintainability is defined as the probability that a unit or system will be restored to specified working conditions within a given period when maintenance action is taken in accordance with the prescribed procedures and resources.

4.Define failure rate? 
Failure rate is the ratio of the number of failures during particular unit interval to the average population during that interval. This failure rate is also known as hazard rate and instantaneous failure rate.

5.Define Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)? 
Mean Time to Repair is the arithmetic mean of the time required to perform maintenance action. MTTR is defined as the Ratio of total maintenance time and number of maintenance action.

 MTTR = Total maintenance time/ Number of maintenance action.

6.What is Mean Failure Rate? 
The mean failure rate h is obtained by finding the mean of the failures rates for specified period of time.
 h = (Z1 + Z2 + Z3+....+ZT) / T 
where Zt represents failure rates over the specified period of time T.

7.What is Mean Time between Failures (MTBF)?
 Mean Time between Failures (MTBF) is the mean or average time between successive failures of a product. Mean time between failures refers tom the average time of breakdown until the device is beyond repair.

8.Define Mean Time to Failure.
 Let t1 is the time to failure for the first specimen, t2 is the time to failure for the second specimen and t n is the time to failure for the Nth specimen. Hence the mean time to failure for N specimens are MTTR = (t1+t2+......+t N) /N

9.State the advantages of life cycle cost analysis.
 (i) Integration of engineering, economics and financial aspects lead to the way of robust metric for the selection and purchase equipment required for the industry.
 (ii) Reduced operating and maintenance cost of equipments due to cost analysis over span of time.
 (iii) It leads to the selection of proper and economically viable equipment.

10.State the components of maintenance cost? 
The maintenance cost is comprised of two factors:
 (i) Fixed cost: This includes the cost of support facilities including the maintenance staff. 
(ii) Variable cost: This includes the consumption of spare parts, replacement of components and cost other facilities requirements of maintenance.

11.Define Maintenance Action Rate and State the components of maintenance cost? 
 Maintenance action rate is the number of maintenance action that can be carried out on equipment per hour.

Components of maintenance cost:
The maintenance cost is comprised of two factors: (i) Fixed cost: This includes the cost of support facilities including the maintenance staff. (ii) Variable cost: This includes the consumption of spare parts, replacement of components and cost other facilities requirements of maintenance.

12.State the role of maintenance budget and its types.
The maintenance budget is used to set aside certain amount of money to meet the expenditures incurred in achieving the objectives of maintenance.

Types of maintenance budget:
(i) Appropriation Budget: Budget used to allocate money for each activity independently. 
(ii) Fixed Budget: Fixed used to allocate money for a specified period of time. 
(iii)Variable Budget: Dynamic allocation of expenditure based on maintenance requirements and activities.

For Questions with answers in

unit 2- Copy and Paste the following link in new tab

unit 3- Copy and Paste the following link in new tab

unit 4- Copy and Paste the following link in new tab

unit 5- Copy and Paste the following link in new tab

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