Wednesday 25 November 2015

ME6501 Computer Aided Design question Bank

Model Question Paper
Fifth Semester
Mechanical Engineering
(Regulation 2013)
Time : Three hours         Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions

PART A – (10 X 2 = 20 marks)

1. Differentiate preliminary design and detailed design.
2. Differentiate 2D and 3D clipping.
3.Write down the advantages of B-rep.
4.List out the various Bezier curves based on control points.
5.List out the various visualization approaches.
6.Define key framing.
7. What is mating conditions?
8.Write short note on 2D collision.
9.Write down primary purpose of the graphics standard.
10.What is CALS?

PART – B (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

11. a. (i) Explain 3-D transformation with matrix.
(ii) Explain Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm.
b. (i) Describe Z – depth clipping.
(ii) Explain Cohen Sutherland algorithm.

12. a. (i) Explain different types of Bezier curves with construction details. 
(ii) Describe various surface entities with neat sketch.
b. (i) Describe the construction of ‘Coons patch’.
(ii) Describe the ‘Bicubic patches’ with mathematical function.

13. a. (i) Describe the various light sources with example. 
(ii) Explain how distance fall off to be calculated.
b. (i) Describe various color models with neat sketch.
(ii) Describe ‘Pseudo code’ algorithm for 2-D animation.

14. a. (i) Describe Bottom Up and Top Down assembly design with example. 
(ii) List out various fundamental rules for Geometric tolerance.
b. (i) Describe RSS for tolerance analysis wit RSS cube. 
(ii) Describe the calculation of Moment of Inertia.

15. a. (i) Explain IGES common testing methods.
(ii) Describe the components of STEP with geometric Data structure.
b. (i) Explain STEP architecture with neat sketch. 
(ii) Describe the CGM with its elements.

                      --------------ALL THE BEST---------------

See right side to download PPT,PDF,Lecture notes,question bank,university questions for all mechanical engineering subjects.

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