Thursday 12 November 2015

What is Sleep?


 This post describes about sleep and why should one not sleep    north-south?

What is Sleep?

             A state of complete or partial unconsciousness, normal and periodic in man. When we sleep, our nervous system and muscles are relaxed and our eyes closed. But the body does not stop its activities. All the vital organs do work through the functions are much slowed down.

         And why do we sleep? Sleep is a period of complete rest. During sleep, our cells recover from the fatigue caused by work and prepare us for the next period of activity. While awake, we never get total relaxation

          The sleep is controlled by the cerebellum or the part of brain below and behind the cerebrum. When we work continuously, the calcium content in our blood increases, Sleep is necessary to reduce it.

        Our breathing and heartbeats becomes slower and our body temperature and body pressure lower in sleep than in waking hours.

        The sleep can be either deep or shallow. A short, deep sleep gives us more comfort than a long, shallow one does.

Why should one not sleep north-south?

     Researchers at the institute of Magneto-Biology, Chennai, India say that sleeping in north-south direction could make one lack of sense of well being at times. According to Dr.Sankara Narayanan, director of the institute, when a man lies with his head towards north in a pulsating magnetic field, his brain's electrical activity is suppressed or damped.

   Measurements reveal that blood circulation in finger tips are affected and the balance between neuro chemicals is upset. In addition, it gives subjective experience like headache, confused thinking and lack of a sense of well being.

  If one sleeps east-west in the pulsed filed, the brain's activity is considerably enhanced. Also the peripheral blood circulation all over the body is enhanced. hence he feels relaxed and alert.

   It is known that Earth's magnetic field pulses at extremely low frequencies and is typically in the range of human brains, electrical activity. These pulses are not present always, but they peak during certain periods, generally associated with solar activity. If one sleeps north-south during such activity, headache, general discomfort, nausea and confusion may result on active nights, but there may not be any change in the body. This is true for animals also, as they are more sensitive to such changes.

Benefits of Sleep

1. Look more attractive
2. Live longer
3. Ability to make good decisions
4. Yon can remember things clearly
5. You can prevent from diseases
6. You may be very active in nature
7. Your concentration level will be increased.

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