Friday 6 November 2015

How to get More marks in University Examinations

        This post is useful for the Students for study & Exams. Many Students write their exams well but he/She secure low marks. But i give you many tips how to study and how to write university exams.

             Here I would like to tell you, how to study and how to write theory subject in examinations.

How to Study Theory Papers :

1.Take Syllabus of the subject-What subject you are going to study

2.After completion of the syllabus - Note down the easiest unit among 5 units.

3.Your selected unit ( for example in that unit contains 15 big questions) Which half of the unit is more easy, (At least 8 questions - Now take marker to underline the headings and keywords. If the answer of the corresponding question is in fully theory without any headings make a heading by your own for every 5 sentences). The remaining questions of the unit,you just study definition, diagram, and make reading for 2 times.

4.If any diagram is given, you should draw the diagram by 2 or 3 times by seeing the diagram. Now you can draw that diagram without any reference or seeing the book.(If the diagram is too complicate search the diagram through internet-select Which is easiest to draw with same components or parts to be used.

5.For 2 marks you should download previous 10 years university questions (totally 100 two marks for 5 units-maybe repeated questions asked) and make preparation for study.You can study 5 two marks per day. You can study 100 two marks within 20-30 days.

6.Now you can attend the theory subject examination without any fear.

How to Write theory subjects:

1. Write 2 marks ( Make a heading by a color (Balck/Violet pen) and write the answer by bullets or points whatever you like to shown your answer sheet by different colors of pen (Brown/pink)

2. If the question is not identified or not studied by you, Don't leave that question. You should something write at least 2 sentences about the question regards.

3.If the follow the previous mentioned steps you should get 80-85 % marks.

4.In big Questions write first question as which question you studied thoroughly, and that question should be write by following method:

      * Write heading of the question by using any color pen (Black/Violet/Brown )

         * Then write Definition of that question even if not asking.

    * Draw the diagram very neatly in a new page by using sharpened pencil and scale . If the diagram is too large take your answer sheet in landscape.

       * Now put headings by your own, The headings should be in different color (Black/Violet/Brown) the content should be in point by point.make bullets for every points.

        * Write an answer minimum 6 pages. If asking the question is in sub division allot the pages based on  how many marks the question have.

5. Split time for every questions.
6.If the question is not identified or not studied by you, write an answer what you have study related with the topics (Question) of the unit.

   If you following the mentioned tips, surely you will get good marks in theory subject examinations.

              ************ALL THE BEST***************

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